Annual Remembrance 2023
November 19th at 2:00 pm
Death ends a life, not a relationship.
Your loved ones haven’t been forgotten by the
Sacred Heart Family, they are in our hearts forever.
​Memoriae Sacris Cordibus
Remembering Sacred Hearts
Join With Us And Remember.
We held our Sacred Heart Remembrance Mass on November 19th at 2:00 pm. This solemn event is a time for us to come together and honour the memory of our deceased Sacred Heart Past Pupils, Sacred Heart Sisters, Staff, Relatives and Friends who have passed away during the year.
This year's service took place at Mount Anville Chapel, and we were grateful to have Past Pupils and family members in attendance. In addition to the Memorial Book that celebrates the lives of our deceased members, the Benevolent Fund Committee read out the names of all the people we remembered. This was followed by the lighting of candles in their memory.
We are thankful to those who joined us in remembering and paying tribute to our cherished members who have departed. It was a beautiful and meaningful event that allowed us to honour their memory and celebrate their lives.
Memorial Book
Our event remembers Members of our Community who have passed away in the last 12 months. All the deceased Past Pupils names are entered in our Memorial Book. Luci O'Donohoe from the Benevolent Fund Committee read the names of all the people we are remembering from the a scroll and they will be remembered for all the days to come. Our list includes Sacred Heart Sisters, Past Pupils and Family Members of Past Pupils. Join with us and remember.

Memorial Book 2023
Joe Barnes
Gerard Benson
Lauren Boland
Colette Brady
Ciaran Brady
Greg Brennan
Paul Burke Kennedy
Anne Byrne née Gregg
Maree Byrne
Michael Cassidy
Lisa Comer
Gary Connolly
Liam Daly
Michael Dargan
Dr Brendan Dempsey
Patrick Dempsey
Sr Eleanor Dorgan rscj
Derry Dowling
Joseph Downes
Brian Dunne
Margaret Dupont
Edna Ennis
Des Fagan
Cyril Forde
Grania Gilroy
Roisin Grimley née Forbes
Edna Guthrie
Sr Rose Harding rscj
Hubert Kearns
Mary Kenny née O’Connor
Ann Kidney née Finnegan
Mary Kiely née McCormack
Susan Kiernan née Corr
Eleanor Kilduff née Cremin
Deirdre Lawlor née Sweeney
Colm Maguire
Paul Malone
Phyllis McCarthy
Deborah McCready
Martin McCullough
Brianne McHugh née O’Connor
Sebastian McHugh
Anne McMahon née McDermott
John McNally
Dermot Molloy
Tom Monaghan
John Murray
Maire Ni Chearbhaill
Fionuala O’Brien
Sr Therese O’Donnell rscj
Brendan O’Donoghue
Gabrielle O’Malley née Leavy
Conor O’Malley
Toni Phelan née Fortune
Edward Powell
Anne Roundtree née Tierney
Mary Sheedy née McHugh
Annabel Sheehan
John Small
John Small jnr
Alice Smyth
Sr Nora Smyth rscj
Roderic Stapleton
Marie Wilkinson

Liturgy for Remembrance Mass
Entrance: Here I Am Lord
First Reading
A Reading from the Prophet Isaiah (41: 10, 44:22, 49: 15-16)
Fear not I am with you; be not dismayed; I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you and uphold you with my right hand of justice. For I am the Lord your God who grasps your right hand; it is I who say to you "fear not, I will help you" I have brushed away your offences like a cloud, your sins like a mist, return to me, for I have redeemed you. Can a mother forget her infant be without
tenderness for the child within her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you. See, upon the palm of my hand I have written your name. Yes, in joy you shall depart, in peace you shall be brought back.
This is the word of the Lord.
PSALM: Eagles Wings [Sung]
A Reading from the Book of the Apocalypse. (14:13)
I, John, heard a voice from Heaven saying, ‘Write this: Blessed are those who die in the Lord. Blessed indeed, says the Spirit, now they may rest forever from their labours, for their good deeds go with them!’
The Word of the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation: John 6:51
I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever.
Gospel: Matthew 11: 25 - 30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Prayers of the Faithful
1. Today we are remembering all those in the wide Sacred Heart Family who have gone to God before us. We give God thanks for their presence
in our lives. We remember the deceased Religious of the Sacred Heart, the members of our own families, former staff members of our schools,
all our families, friends, and colleagues. May each one rest in the loving peace of God.
We pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
2. We pray for all those who are ill, those in hospitals, nursing homes or in their own homes. We remember those who care for them. Lord, we ask
you to comfort and strengthen each one of them, that they may feel your care and love.
We pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
3. We pray for our young people, especially those in our Sacred Heart Schools. May they live out in their lives the Goals of the Sacred Heart
Education: Faith, Character, Intellect, Community and Social Awareness. May they learn to make a difference in this world and to bring hope to
all those they meet. We pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
4. Lord, we remember all those who are suffering because at present of violence and wars, those who are wounded, who have lost their loved
ones, who are homeless and without shelter. We remember those who are suffering because of violence in Ukraine and in the Middle East. May
the prayers of Pope Francis for peace be heard.
We pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
5. A few weeks ago, Pope Francis reminded us in that the “most vulnerable people on the planet” are suffering from the effects of climate change. We see this very vividly in our day, as the “deterioration of the environment and of society” leads to hunger, mass migration and
violence. As people of faith, committed to defending life, this is something we can no longer ignore. Give us the courage and the wisdom
do all that we can to protect the earth, our common home, and all its people.
We pray to the Lord.
Lord, hear us Lord, graciously hear us.
Offertory: Ave Maria [Schubert]
Communion: Be Still My Soul
Pie Jesu
Reflection After Communion
And if I go
While you’re still here
Know that I live on,
Vibrating to a different measure
Behind a thin veil you cannot see through
You will not see me,
So, you must have faith.
I wait for the time when we can soar together again.
Both aware of each other
Until then, live your life to the fullest,
And when you need me,
Just whisper my name in your heart
…. I will be there.
Recessional: Close To You
Grief is eventually, the price we pay for Love