Meet The Committee

Co Chair 2024 -
Philipa Quigley
My name is Pippa Quigley, and along with Phoebe De Vere White, I am the recently appointed Co-Chair of the SHBF Committee. We took over the mantle of “Chair” from the indomitable Rosie Crimmins in October ‘24. It speaks volumes of Rosie’s amazing dedication and energy, in her 4 year role as Chairperson, that it took 2 people to replace her! We will do everything in our power to ensure a seamless transition and we endeavour to continue to grow the reach, and the success, of the Society in our time as Co-Chairs.
I left Mount Anville in June 1983, after 15 very happy years - truly, I loved my time there!
Our Mum had been a feisty border in Roscrea (expelled and brought back, not once, but 3 times!!) She was absolutely passionate about the Sacred Heart and her only mandatory criteria when house hunting on arrival in Dublin was that our home would be close to Mount Anville! She duly enrolled her 3 daughters in the Montessori as soon as we turned 3! When I was in Secondary School, Mum was the President of the Sacred Heart Benevolent Society and so, from an early age, I saw the great impact and support that the Society offers Past Pupils, in need. I was delighted to be asked to join the committee after the Remembrance Mass two years ago - finally I am giving back some time to my Alma Mater!
On leaving school, my biggest wish was granted, when I got a place in St Vincent’s Hospital to train as a Nurse - I had talked about “becoming a Nurse when I grow up” from the tender age of 5 – not a word of a lie! I spent 12 months as a Staff Nurse in St Vincent’s after I qualified before moving to Our Lady’s Hospice in Harold’s Cross, to specialise in Palliative Care Nursing and spent a couple of very happy years there before moving to the Pharmaceutical Industry. I am now the Irish Country Manager for a Global Pharmaceutical company, specialising in rare diseases – a role I absolutely love!
I have no daughters, but 3 fantastic sons - so no Mount Anville for the Quigleys! However, they went to St Michael’s - the next best option! My sister Etàin, has taught in the Montessori for “forever” and her role there has kept me connected to Mount Anville throughout the years! It is fair to say that she is truly part of the fabric of the Montessori School and if I was to get a euro for every time a past pupil or a parent tells me about what an amazing teacher she is, and what a huge part she played in their early education and development, I would be a very wealthy lady!! I am very proud of her!
I am delighted to step up as Co-Chair of the SH Benevolent Fund Committee – the support offered to Sacred Heart Past Pupils, both financially and emotionally, is hugely impactful. Any of us, at any time in our lives, could hit a financial speedbump and it is great to know that the generosity of Sacred Heart past pupils, in their support of our various fundraising events, allows us to help those in need, through a crisis period. I firmly believe that Saint Madeline Sophie would endorse our work and find joy in observing how our special Sacred Heart Community takes care of each other.
Please feel free to reach out to any of us, at any time, should you ever be in need of our support.

CoChair 2024 -
Phoebe DeVereWhite
short bio.

Secetary 2024 -
Shiena Connolly - Class of 1984
My name is Shiena Connolly and I attended Mount Anville Montessori through to Secondary School, leaving in 1984.
I studied English Literature and German at UCD and spent my early career in London where I worked in investment management spending time in Europe and Japan. Returning to Ireland I continued to work in international financial services before undertaking an MBA and subsequent strategic business development roles in property and start up domain. Having taken time out for family I returned to professional life in recent years and at the same time have been lucky enough to pursue further studies in entrepreneurship and accredited governance program at Institute of Directors.
To some extent, I feel that I have never fully left Mount Anville as I am blessed with a diverse bunch of school pals spread over many years. My daughter, Ali is in Secondary School and is a constant reminder of how traditional values continuously evolve to meet the needs of the current times. In previous years I have served as Secretary to both MAPPA and MMJS Parent’s Council.
Our Sacred Heart origins inspire a spirit of social awareness that impels to action. For some, life is no easy ride and from time to time an unforeseen curve ball can land unexpectedly, leaving us feeling overwhelmed. The Benevolent Fund offers a confidential pathway to accessing help and in supporting our past pupil community in taking steps to overcome such challenges.
My personal wish is to expand awareness of the Charity to ensure that those who need help most, know where and how to reach out. If you know a former classmate who has slipped off- radar and is in difficulty, please encourage them to get in touch; Our service is confidential and we are continuously finding new ways to engage with members of our Sacred Heart past pupil community in advocating support for those who need it most

Treasurer 2024 -
Emma Sheehan
short bio.

Chair 2020 - 2024
Rosie Crimmins (nee McCambridge) Class of 1987
My name is Rosie Crimmins and I started in Mt Anville Montessori and left in 1987. My eldest daughter has just finished there and my three others are currently in the Senior School.
I studied Sociology and Geography at Trinity College followed by the DBS in Smurfit/UCD Business School. My professional background is in Sales & Marketing and Property Management. I returned to Ireland 11 years ago after 10 years spent in UK for my husband’s work.
Four years ago, I joined the Benevolent Fund and am now privileged to have taken over as Chairperson from Sarah Stapleton. The Sacred Heart Community is truly global and all past pupils from the Irish Scottish Province are eligible to receive help. As many of us on the committee are Mount Anville Alumni, the Benevolent Fund is very lucky to benefit from the support structures of the Past Pupils' Office and MAPPA. Together, we are working towards building a dynamic framework of services for our past pupils, whilst never forgetting those who may need help, short or long term.

Secretary 2020 - 2024 - Social Media
Rhona OConnor
I left Mount Anville in 1977 having started in the Montessori at 4 years of age. Not being academic I joined Bank of Ireland where I worked as a Computer Operator in the 80’s a very different role today. I took a redundancy package and ventured into the real world where I had a variety of roles including working for Architect Hugh Wallace and owning my own restaurant. This was my university. I then joined Bank of Scotland Ire as a Debt Collector where I learnt about people and how they struggled financially. My next role in BOSI was as CSR Manager where I facilitated grants of 1.8M to 130 charities. This gave me a great understand of what a small grant to do to make a big difference in people’s lives. When the Bank closed, I then worked for Age Action and the RNLI as a National and Corporate Fundraiser.
Deciding it was time for a change again I went to college and a Mature Student and was introduced to Digital Marketing which I love. I did several part degrees courses which lead to a Masters in Digital Entrepreneurship. Today I run a small company helping SMEs with their Digital Marketing.
As one of the organisers of our decade reunions I have kept my connection to my classmates and the school. I was approached to join the Benevolent Fund Committee, joined and have been a member since 2019. In 2020 I became the Secretary 4 years. Hopefully we will bring news of the Benevolent Fund to more people with our website and Social Media – especially people who need a little help from the Fund.

Committee Member
Sr Mary Shiel
I grew up in Mount Merrion, where I attended Scoil San Treasa Primary School, and then Secondary School in Mount Anville, followed by UCD, first in Earlsfort Terrace, and eventually I finished in Belfield when the University moved out of the city. My degree is in English and French. I did a Higher Diploma in Education, and much later a Diploma in Guidance and Counselling.
As a student, I felt I might have a call to be a Religious of the Sacred Heart and decided to try it. Happily, I am still here! I made my Final Profession as a Sacred Heart Sister in 1980 in Rome, followed by three months teaching in a rural school in Uganda. I am very blessed in all I have done, and have had many interesting experiences, including two years living with two other Sacred Heart Sisters on a site in Coolock, North Dublin, with the Travelling people during the 1970s - a time I loved.
I taught for many years, in the Secondary Schools of Mount Anville and Roscrea. I enjoyed the work in the schools, whether meeting students at class level or helping them individually as a Guidance Counsellor. In the 1990s, I worked with younger religious in their formation training, and part-time with students for the priesthood in Dublin’s Clonliffe Seminary. I was ten years on the team of the Sacred Heart Schools Network, an Association of Sacred Heart Schools in Ireland, Scotland and Malta- working mainly with groups of teachers. In 1999, I returned to Mt Anville Secondary School as part-time Guidance Counsellor for six years.
More recently, I have worked part-time in spirituality, which included doing Meditation with children in Mt Anville Primary and Junior Schools. (I hope to resume this when the Covid restrictions end.) The last few years took me out of Ireland to improve my Spanish, with short stays in Spain and Mexico; and then to work in Rome, as a translator with our younger Sisters who were preparing for Final Profession. I returned to Dublin in February 2020, and I continue my translation work online.
I was asked to replace Sr Gillian Dempsey as religious representative on the Benevolent Fund Committee. I have great admiration for the work of this Committee. They work hard to raise funds. The money goes to help past pupils who may find themselves in difficulties. Anyone who has been a pupil, for even a year, from any of our Sacred Heart Schools – Primary or Secondary, in Ireland or Scotland - can ask for help. If any of you know of a friend, a past pupil in need, please feel free to contact the Benevolent Fund. Discretion is assured, as the work of helping is confidential. Thank you to all of you who have helped the Benevolent Fund over the years!

Committee Member
Denise McDonnell
short bio.

Committee Member
Susan Ryan
short bio.

Committee Member
Grace Murphy
short bio.

Committee Member
Jacqui Cross
short bio.

Treasurer 2020 - 2024
​Luci ODonohue
My name is Luci O’Donohoe. I left Mount Anville in 1987 and went on to do Commerce in UCD and then qualified as a Chartered Accountant. I joined the Benevolent Fund committee about 18 months ago and have recently taken on the treasurer role.
Before joining the committee I had no idea of the great work the Benevolent Fund are doing, providing financial support to past pupils of all the Scared Heart schools in Ireland and Scotland. We’ve all had expenses like needing a new boiler or medical expenses for our children, and the BF have helped girls like us, whose life circumstances have meant that they are not in a position to pay for these things. Most of us have been very lucky, but life hasn’t been fair to all of us, and for every success story we read about in the e-zine, there are others, who through no fault of their own, have found themselves in straitened financial circumstances. Relationship breakdown, addiction, mental health issues are all real issues facing our past pupils. If you or a friend need support from the Benevolent Fund, please contact us in complete confidence.

Committee Member
Jacqui Cross
short bio.

Committee Member
Joyce Quirke
short bio.

Committee Member
Emma Sheehan
short bio.
We are here to help you.
If you need our help, please get in touch with our Chairperson Rosalie Crimmins . All communication is confidential.