2021 10k Your Way - Virtual Mini Marathon
This June Bank Holiday Weekend We are asking you to get out the Pink shirt again do 10k Your Way – Run – Walk – Roll – Swim - Instead of paying an entry fee to the Mini Marathon please donate €25 to help raise funds for the Benevolent Fund or you can raise a few bob and send it to us along with a photo of you having fun doing it!
When you raise the money you can -
For more information or if you have a question email us -

Team of 2020
2020 Mini Marathon was cancelled due to the Coronavirus - however that did not stop our amazing Team! We asked Past Pupils to don a Pink Top and Walk, Run or Cycle 10k in their local 5k and we had a great response. What a 'Team of 2020' we had for the 10k in your 5k on Sunday 31st May 2020. 84 Pupils mostly Past and some current too, took part locally in their 5k and Walked, Ran or Cycled. Instead of paying an entry fee to the Mini Marathon they donated €25 to help fund the Benevolent Fund. We raised a whopping €3737.
Here are some of the lovely happy photos the Team sent in to us.
Thanks to every one who took part - Hopefully we will be back in Leeson Street with 30,000 other ladies taking part in the REAL VHI Mini Marathon in 2022. Later in 2021 the Virtual VHI Mini Marathon will be run - More information HERE