Spring Coffee Morning

Our summer Coffee Morning was very well supported again this year. Our Chair Rosie Crimmins invited Past Pupils and friends for coffee and some delicious home baked goodies …. The Orange Chocolate Amaretti Cake appeared is several iterations inspired by Cooking with Ruth’s demonstration from our recent Entertaining Made Easy!
There were Past Pupils from Leeson St, Monkstown, Roscrea and Mount Anville there. We had a great team of TY girls to help especially with the raffle. Their support means so much to us.
We had a very special trio – Past Pupil Liz O’Gorman who was part of our Mini Marathon Team, her daughter Past Pupil Victoria O’Donnell and little future pupil Charlotte O’Donnell in her pink gingham dress getting ready for Mount Anville in 4 years! There was a big group from Class of 1987 too.
The Committee were all there helping, we had Kay Leech on Tea and Coffee, Luci O’Donohoe and Rhona OConnor on photography and we were delighted to have Maeve Cahalin, who is retiring from the committee after many years with us. This was her last gig!

Thank you to every one who donated amazing prizes and bought tickets for the raffle. We raised an amazing €2875 which will be used to support Sacred Heart Past Pupils who need a little assistance.
We have just one more Committee meeting before the summer break then we will be back in the Autumn with a very busy program including the Remembrance Mass in November. Again, Thank You for such amazing support!!
