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Unravelling the Process of Making a Will

The Sacred Heart Past Pupils Benevolent Fund continues to strive to reach out to Past Pupils of any Sacred Heart School going through a difficult period in their lives by providing support, guidance, and friendship. The needs of those seeking assistance ranges from moral support to practical support and from financial planning to financial assistance. Sometimes a non-judgmental conversation is enough to help see the future is indeed brighter!

To make contact with us please email Rosalie Crimmins confidentially at and she will arrange for you to be called back by a member of the support group.

Our environment has changed dramatically recently with Covid and the changed economy, many people find themselves in circumstances they did not expect or plan for – which means our work is more vital than ever. We couldn't do what we do without the support of people who leave us a legacy – in fact, gifts in wills make up about 80% of all our donated income. They've helped us:

• Increase the number of people we have been able to help • Provide support in more ways than just financial support • Be able to meet every request we have received.

Your family and loved ones come first but we hope that, once you have provided for them, you will also remember the Benevolent Fund. We won't pressure you - it's a personal matter and your decision to make in your own time. We're here to help if you need us. We respect your privacy - we'd love to know if you've decided to remember the Benevolent Fund in your Will. We will keep any details you share with us confidential. We will use your gift with the greatest of care. We know you want your gift to make a difference and with the Benevolent Fund it will.

Past Pupil Lawyer Network

The Past Pupil Network has a very active Young Lawyer group and we would be delighted to put you in touch with one of them to make your Will if you do not have a Solicitor.

Making a Will

Making a Will is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make. As a legal document, it ensures that proper arrangements are made for family and friends, and that your assets will be distributed in the way you wish after you die, subject to certain rights and conditions. With so many benefits associated with this important process, the decision to make a will should be straightforward. If your wishes are not expressed in a will, then the law (called Succession Law) determines how your estate is distributed according to strict legal rules. It can also mean that your estate might not be divided in accordance with your wishes. If you would like to include the Past Pupils Benevolent Fund in your Will it is very important to include the following information.

Full name – The Sacred Heart Past Pupils Benevolent Fund Registered address – Past Pupils Office, Mount Anville, Goatstown, Dublin 14 CHY number - CHY 761

Charity Regulator Number - 20017200

When making you Will you might include a Precedent clause in your Will. This is the text we suggest.

I GIVE the sum of €xx (sum in words) to [name of charity] [charity registration number] of [registered address of the charity]* for the general purposes** of the said charity and I direct that a receipt by the treasurer or other proper officer of the said charity shall be sufficient discharge for my executors in the payment of this legacy. If, at the date of my death, the said charity has ceased to exist or has amalgamated or become incorporated with another charity or has changed its name, then this legacy shall not fail, but my executors shall pay the legacy to such charity as they consider most nearly fulfils the objects of that which I intended to benefit.***

Notes: * A testator (person making Will) may wish to leave a gift to a particular branch of a charity and in which case the branch address should be inserted. ** If testator wants to leave a gift to a charity specifically for research and development, ensure that the charity has a research and development function. *** If a charity changes its name or becomes amalgamated into another charity, this provision allows the executors to leave the gift to a kindred charity.

Will Jargon Buster

Wills can often contain legal language that can be confusing to people outside of the legal profession. Here are the explanations for some of the most common terms used in Will writing that you may not have come across before. - Beneficiary A person, or an organisation, to whom you leave something in your Will. - Bequest A term for a gift that you leave to a person or organisation in your will. There are several different types of bequest, but the main ones are:

Residuary bequest: A gift made of what is left of your estate after all other gifts have been handed out and debts paid off. To do this you may leave either the total of the residue or a percentage. ** This is the most common bequest we receive Pecuniary bequest: A gift made of a fixed sum of money. Unfortunately, the effect of inflation means that the value of a pecuniary gift will decrease over time. Specific bequest: A particular named item left as a gift in your Will. For example, a piece of jewellery, furniture or a painting. - Codicil A codicil is a document used to change a Will that has already been made. - Estate Your estate is the total sum of your personal possessions, property and money minus any liabilities. - Executor(s) The person or people that you appoint to ensure your final wishes are carried out. These can be professionals, friends, family members or institutions such as banks or some charities. You need a minimum of 2 (two) executors. - Guardian Someone who is responsible for children until they become 18. - Legacy Another word for a gift or bequest left in your Will.

Helpful Websites

Need a Solicitor?

The Past Pupil Network has a very active Young Lawyer group and we would be delighted to put you in touch with one of them to make your Will if you do not have a Solicitor.

How to Contact us

To make contact with us please email Rosalie Crimmins confidentially at and she will arrange for you to be called back by a member of the support group.

Finally on behalf of the Past Pupils that you will support - Thank you so much for making this very kind decision. You will put smiles on faces that may not have a smile!



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