Remembrance Service 14th November
The Annual Service was held on the 14th November at 11.00am. This service remembers the deceased Sacred Heart Past Pupils, Sacred Heart Sisters, Staff, Relatives and Friends who have died during the year. This year we held the event in Mount Anville Chapel with Past Pupils and family members attending. We also released a short video of the service to mark our loved ones passing.
Our event remembers Members of our Community who have passed away in the last 12 months. All the deceased Past Pupils names are entered in our Memorial Book. A member of the Benevolent Fund Committee will read the names of all the people we are remembering from the a scroll and they will be remembered for all the days to come. Our list includes Sacred Heart Sisters, Past Pupils and Family Members of Past Pupils. Join with us and remember.
List of Deceased
Bernie Broderick
Noreen Burgess
Patrick Burke
John Byrne
Alison Casey
Anne Clarke
Paddy Conway
Pauline Corcoran
Tony Corr
Luke James Courtney
Peggy Courtney
Jasper Coyle
Laura Dolan
Deirdre Donegan
Sr Moira Donnelly
John Dooly
Gerard Doyle
Mary Doyle
Alannah Dunn
Veronica Ronnie Dunne
Michael Fallon
Sr Barbara Farquharson
Peggy Fisher
David Fitzgibbon
Josephine Fitzmaurice
Josephine Flynn
Robert Forbes
Dermot Gardiner
Stephen Val Gunning
Maureen Hayes
Johanna Hegarty
Evelyn Hennessy
Brian J Hillery
Grace Hughes
Patricia Horne
Patricia Joseph
Ben Kealy
Madeline Killeen
Kay Kinirons
Eithne Kipper
Mary Kotsonorous
Sr Ethel Lamont
Elizabeth Lovett Dolan
Ruth Mac Evoy
Katriona Maguire
Peter Maguire
Cormac Mc Carthy
Jim Mc Carthy
Niall Mc Cullough
William Mc Sheaffrey
Sr Sheila McAuliffe
Eithne McDonald
Patricia McGowan
Emma McManus
Deirdre McNamara
Caraiosa Mehigan
Joan Mehigan
Elizabeth Mion
Margaret Moloney
Gladys Monahan
Mary Mooney
Jacqueline Morgan
Michael Mulcahy
Marie Murphy
Frank Nolan
Kay Nolan
Pamela Nolan
Sr Deirdre OBrien
Michael OCallaghan
Brian OConnor
Philip OConnor
Maeve ODonoghue
Sylvia ODonohoe
Rynagh OGrady
Brian OLoughlan
Monica Owens
Mary Price
Damien Reade
Phyliss Reade
Tommy Reade
Joe Revington
Maire Reynolds
Ann Richardson
Nancy Riggs Millar
George Roche
Shauna Ryan
Aine Sexton
Paul Sexton
Peter Shaffrey
John Shiel
Jim Somers
Susan Stafford
Sr Betty Walker
Video of the Remembrance Service 2021
Death ends a life, not a relationship.
Your loved ones haven’t been forgotten by the
Sacred Heart Family, they are in our hearts forever.
